CCA North Carolina
Matthew Wallin
Saltwater Anglers Network
David Daniel
CCA North Carolina
Matthew Wallin
Need Help? Contact Us
Entry Fee: $60 per angler fly or spin or $100 to enter for both fly and spin.
Youth Anglers 16 & under fish for free with an accompanied registered adult angler, please contact David Daniel or Matthew Wallin for more details on how they can register!
- Register at: https://ccanc.org/product/redfishshowdown/
- Sponsor Wristband for Photo Entries on iAngler Tournament
- Early entries before April 22nd will be given a T-shirt and a Hat
Upon completing payment, an email confirmation will be sent to you with further instructions and a coupon code to register your profile in the iAngler system. Please contact Matthew@ccanc.org with any issues or questions.
We look forward to your participation in the 2023 Crystal Coast Redfish Showdown.
This is a first of its kind fly fishing and spin fishing tournament put on by CCA NC and the Saltwater Anglers Network to raise money to benefit Catching for Kids and Fishing for the Future!! “Catching for Kids is a 501(c)(3) based out of Raleigh, NC. Our goal is to give more families and children the opportunity to spend time together on the water fishing. There are so many amazing life lessons and important bonding time that can happen through fishing.” Learn more at: CATCHING FOR KIDS – Home

Target Species: Redfish
- Fly and Spin ARTIFICIAL BAIT only tournament!
- Scoring based on aggregate total of the 3 longest catches (rounded up to nearest 1/8th inch pinched tail length)
- e.- Aggregate of 3 longest drum = total score (you can only submit 6 drum on the iAngler app)
- Combined inches of 3 biggest redfish in the slot (18” – 27”)
Tournament Wristbands: will be handed out the night of the Welcome Anglers Party at Tightlines Pub on May 19th. You will need the wristband to participate in the tournament. If you cannot attend the Welcome Anglers Party that night, please reach out to the folks below:
- CCA Office – Raleigh: Only open M-Th 8am-4pm. Please call-in advance: 919-781-FISH (3474)
- New Bern – Contact Matthew Wallin at 757-508-3980 or matthew@ccanc.org
- David Daniel- 919-422-2079 – Saltwater Anglers Network
Time Line of Events:
- Welcome Anglers Party: May 19th
- Tightlines Pub and Brewing Co. (We have the entire restaurant booked this year)
- 709 Arendell St. Morehead City, NC
- For anglers, friends and family
- Raffles, Giveaways, and silent auction
- Food and beverages available
- Tournament Dates: May 20th , 2023
- 7:00 am Lines in the Water
- 3:30 pm Lines out of the Water
- MUST meet back at Towne Creek Marina by 4:30 pm for prizes (Must be present to win)
- If you do not have a boat and would like to fish, we will have Local Captains available for hire through David Daniel and the Saltwater Anglers Network: Contact David @ 919-422-2079
- Awards Ceremony: (Must be present to win)
- 4:30pm at Town Creek Marina, Beaufort NC
Series: CCA North Carolina
$60 USD
Individual AnglerTournament is over
Website: www.ccanc.org
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
1 year 11 months ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
1 year 11 months ago
Events & Schedule
Welcome Anglers Party
05/19/2023 07:00 PM
Lines in the Water
05/20/2023 07:00 AM
Lines out of the Water
MUST meet back at Towne Creek Marina by 4:30 pm for prizes (Must be present to win)
05/20/2023 03:30 PM
Awards Ceremony (Must be present to win)
05/20/2023 04:30 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
Anglers can register for both fly and spin but your 3 fish must come from either fly or spin, Angler can not combine fly and spin. Angler’s are able to compete in both.
- Guides are permitted and guided boats are judged in the same category as non-guided
- No fishing offshore, off the beach, on wrecks or jetties; no fishing impoundments, spillways, or ponds; no chumming; no unsportsmanlike shenanigans. This is an inshore tournament only – Do not go beyond the Inlets
- All applicable North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and Federal fishing and boating regulations apply.
- Anglers must allow a 100-yard berth to all boats during the tournament. The first boat in an area has the right of way. A boat may pass within 100 yds of the first boat, but may not fish within 100 yds of the first boat unless the boat with the right of way gives explicit permission to the 2nd boat.
- Boats must have tournament pennants visible.
- Burning of shoreline is prohibited.
- You cannot take your boat out of the water and move locations. This will lead to disqualification.
- Max Tippet is 15lbs.
- Wading is permitted
- No Sinking line allowed.
- Most importantly, this is for charity and good times, treat others how you would like to be treated.
Photo Requirements:
Once you catch a drum, take a photo of your catch with the wrist band, submit the photo to our judges for scoring, and track live leaderboard updates all within the iAnger app!
- Only Official tournament Wrist band permitted
- Fish must be photographed and measured on an approved measuring device
- Measurement on a standard ruler must be clearly visible with the FLY or SPIN required wrist band shown in the photo.
- Photo must also be time stamped and dated to count, screenshot will not be accepted
- Measurements based on nose to “pinched” tail length (pinched to the size of the FISH STICK), the fishes belly must be facing your belly when submitting a photo entry. Any amount of the fish not on the measuring tape will not be scored.
- Only paid Anglers with wristbands can enter a fish, everyone fishing on the boat MUST be entered into the tournament.
- In the case of a dispute or suspicion of cheating occurs, winner could be subject to a lie detector test. The opposition angler would have to put up the $100 to cover the test. If the winner passes the test, opposition loses the $100.
- Tie breaker goes to the longest individual fish, then to who caught that fish first according to time stamp / IAngler time
Please do your best to take good quality photos , showing the whole fish. Judges reserve the right to throw out photos that do not meet the requirements.
Disclaimer Click to Read
COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION NORTH CAROLINA, SALTWATER ANGLERS NETWORK, ET ALFor good valuable consideration, including without limitation the acceptance of the undersigned's entry or participation in the "2023 Crystal Coast Redfish Showdown" on May 20, 2023 (the "Event") and being permitted to participate in certain related activities, the undersigned, for himself and his personal representatives, heirs, guest, invitees, employees and crew members hereby (1) RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES, AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE the following:
Coastal Conservation Association North Carolina
Saltwater Anglers Networkand their Chapters, subsidiaries, related entities, respective members, volunteers, heirs, successors, assigns, officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors (collectively, the "Releasees") from all liability to the undersigned, his personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin, and for all loss or damage, and all claims or damages therefor, on account of bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage of or to the undersigned, his guests, invitee, employees or crew, during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event and related activities or while the undersigned is competing, or participating, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Releasees; (2) AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Releasees and each of them from and against all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, liabilities, losses and judgments (collectively, the "Claims") of or by all guests, invitee, employees and crew of the undersigned for bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage which they may suffer or incur during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event or related activities, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Releasees; and (3) ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY for and risk of bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage of or to himself, his guests, invitees, employees or crew and his boat and equipment due to negligence of Releasees or otherwise during the Event or while participating in the Event or related activities or while in or on the Event premises and the common properties and recreational areas and adjacent docks, piers and boat slips.
The undersigned agrees to pay all of the Releasees' costs of defending all Claims and further agrees that this Release, Indemnification and Agreement Not to Sue is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of North Carolina and that, if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.