9th Annual Savage Slam
Target Sub-species:
Redfish - Red Drum (Redfish)
Snook - Snook (all)
Spotted Sea Trout - Spotted Seatrout
Ian O'Neil
(727) 446-9162
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Carlouel Beach and Yacht Club
Month Long Fishing Tournament
April 5th – September 20th
May 19th Sea Wall Rodeo 11am / Award Ceremony / Low Country Boil
All entries will benefit Carlouel kids’ programs.
The "9th Annual Savage Slam" tournament is a private event for members and guests of the Carlouel Yacht Club. After submitting your registration form to the Carlouel Yacht Club, you will receive a Coupon Code for registration in the iAngler Tournament System.
Entry Fee Includes
Grand Slam
Individual Prizes
Winning Team
- Will have the name of the captain (must be a Carlouel Yacht Club member) engraved on the “Savage Slam Cup” and will have bragging rights for the following year.
- 1st place $500 Credit at club
- 2nd place $300 Credit at club
- 3rd place $200 Credit at club
Tournament Rules
Have fun and remember, you are fishing to support the Carlouel kids’ programs.
$100 USD
Individual AnglerCarlouel Yacht Club, Clearwater, FL
Tournament is over
Website: www.carlouel.net
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
11 months 22 hours ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
11 months 22 hours ago
Events & Schedule
Tournament Starts
04/05/2024 12:00 AM
Sea Wall Rodeo / Award Ceremony / Low Country Boil
05/19/2024 11:00 AM
Carlouel Beach and Yacht Club
Tournament Ends
09/20/2024 05:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
Tournament Rules
- Inshore waters
- Inshore fish that count toward total: Red Fish, Snook, and Speckled Trout
- Each angler must catch at least one in each of the above categories of fish to be considered for the Slam
- Each angler must document the catch via Phone camera as proof. Please photograph and then release your fish if not in-season. Using IANGLER app
- Measuring apparatus will be furnished to each Angler.
- Savage Slam logo for tournament entrants must appear in all fish scoring pictures. Logo may not be digitally added to pictures and must be in the original picture. Logo’d rulers will be available by April 1 in Ian’s office.
- Only straight down photos will be accepted. No creative angled photos
- Release of Liability: It is required that all contestants take responsibility for themselves while participating in the event activities.
- The awards ceremony will be held after the kids Sea wall rodeo on May 19th