Email: brett@snookfoundation.org
Did you know? iAngler-Tournament data feeds directly into the Angler Action Program database, which is used to protect and enhance our fisheries. Your donation to the SGF ensures we are able to maintain the course on the behalf of all recreational anglers.
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iAngler "PRACTICE" Tournament
To Register for this practice tournament, please use the coupon "ANGLER".
The "iAngler Practice Tournament " is a mock tournament. It's used by Captains, anglers, volunteers, and observers to practice logging their catch data and managing tournament processes. This data is not used for science, so you can log as many practice fish as you would like in preparation for upcoming live tournaments.
iAngler Tournament is part of the Angler Action Program (AAP) family, which is the only recreationally-owned database that has been used in official state level stock assessments. It was designed to capture fishing data from tournaments.
In this practice event, you can log fish both on your smartphone app and on a computer at www.ianglertournament.com. We recommend you try both, just to be more familiar with the system.
Please use the "Contact Us" process if you have any questions regarding the system, or if you would like to host a tournament.
$0 USD
Team EventMin: 0 Angler
Max: 4 Angler
$0 USD
Individual AnglerRegister as Team
Register as Individual
Website: www.ianglertournament.com
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
6 years 4 months ago
Events & Schedule
Tournament Opens
01/01/2020 12:00 PM
Tournament Closes
12/31/2020 12:00 AM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
Welcome to the iAngler-Tournament practice page!
This is a free event, where anglers can enter "mock" information. It is solely for the purpose of anglers familiarizing themselves with the technology.
More to come...
Disclaimer Click to Read
The data entered in this tournament is not included in any research or stock assessments.