CCA NC 2023 Inshore Open
Matthew Wallin
Matthew Wallin
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CCA North Carolina
2023 Inshore Open - Wilmington NC
Cape Fear Chapter
August 25 - September 29, 2023
CCA NC is proud to bring to Wilmington an inshore tournament that allows for the “weekend Warriors” and the dedicated fisherman alike, an opportunity to get out on the water and enjoy the resources that our state has to offer. Thanks to the iAngler phone app we are no longer limited to single day tournaments and weigh in stations. We are excited about this new era of catch, photo and release tournaments, allowing you to find the time to get out and catch some fish! The tournament will begin on August 25th and run through September 29th.
100% Catch and Release Tournament!
- The iAngler Tournament app allows your phone to replace the weigh station and gives your catch an opportunity to live for another day so that we can do our part to “Let ‘Em Spawn!”
- Each time you catch one of the valid tournament species’, you can take a photo of your catch with the wrist band, submit the photo to our judges for scoring, and track live leaderboard updates all within the iAnger app!
- Individual Entries
- No need to worry about filling a team or leaving an odd man out. Fish with friends or go solo. On a boat, off your dock, in the surf, Kayak, SUP or wherever you want!
- Anglers must be a current or new CCA member in order to be eligible for prizes and giveaways
- Per Angler Entry Fee - $70
- Entry Fee Includes a one-year CCA NC Membership and a subscription to our award-winning TIDE Magazine!!
- Become eligible for all of the great prizes and giveaways in the tournament and enjoy all of the perks and benefits of a year of CCA membership
- Rising Tide Members – FREE (ages 16 & under)
- Must be accompanied by a registered adult
Captains Party:
Join us on Friday night August 25th starting 6:00 at The Warehouse on the Water, Wilmington NC
- 6:30-7:00 Captains meeting/Rules and Regulations
- 7:00-8:30 Raffles/ Food and beverages/ Live auction/ Silent Auction
- 9:00 Silent Auction Closes at the end of the live auction
Lines in the water: 7:00AM 8/26/2023
Lines out of the Water: 12:00PM 9/29/2023
*****NEW SEPARATE ANGLER DIVISIONS******: (Scored Separately)
- Each Division will be scored separately from the STATEWIDE “Inshore Open” Division. Each Division will be competing within their division and scored separately within their division but will also have the chance to win the overall STATEWIDE “Inshore Open”. Each division will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and will be awarded a prize and a trophy from our friends at “Fish Burn Art”. All STATEWIDE tournament rules apply to each Division. When you register in iAngler there will be a drop-down bar with the Division’s, you must enter your fish in the division you choose to fish.
- Kayak/SUP
- Youth
- Lady Angler
- Fly
Target Species for SLAM: Red Drum/Flounder/ Speckled Trout
- Scoring based on aggregate total of the 3 longest catches for red drum, your one longest trout (Grey Trout Count) and your one longest flounder based on length (rounded up to nearest ¼ inch)
- Flounder may only be targeted and catch submitted during the recreational flounder harvest season starting September 15th-29th, any flounder submitted outside of the season will be disqualified.
- i.e.- Aggregate of your 3 longest red drum + total length of your 1 longest flounder + total length of your 1 longest trout= total score
- If you catch the total slam of 3 drum + 1 Flounder + 1 Trout you will automatically be awarded 10 extra points to your total score.
- 1st. 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded for total inches in length based on your longest 5 fish + 10 points to those who complete the slam. You do not have to catch all three species to win, although those who do are awarded.
- Red Drum will have a maximum size length of 30’’ Pinched tail length (to prevent any advantages based on the regions that the bull drum fishery can provide to some but not others). You are allowed one fish over 30" to count towards your (TWT Largest Redfish).
- Only Redfish 30’’ or less will count towards your total aggregate score.
- Statewide and Kayak Division Prizes will be based on total number of anglers registered in the tournament. 1st-3rd place will receive a trophy from fish burn art, as well as a rod and real combo plus, a gift card to a tackle shop of their choice based on #of total anglers!!! The more anglers who fish the higher the winnings! Example: (If we have 100 anglers registered then 1st place will be $1000 gift card, 2nd place will be $500 gift card, and 3rd place will be a $250 gift card to a tackle shop of your choice). Min prize amount will start at $1000 gift card for 1st place based on 100 anglers and the prize value will go up from there!!
- Ladies Division: 1st place -Trophy + Rod and Reel Combo | 2nd place- Toadfish package | 3rd place- CCA Ladies Package
- Fly Division: 1st place- Trophy + $250 Gift Card to Great Outdoor Provision Co | 2nd place - TFO Fly Rod Combo | 3rd place- Danco Package
- Youth Division: 1st place- Trophy + CCA NC New Tide Youth Membership+ Rod and Reel Combo | 2nd place- CCA NC New Tide Youth Membership + Toadfish Rod and Reel Combo | 3rd place- CCA NC New Tide Youth Membership + Calcutta Tackle bag
TWT (Longest fish wins each division below)
- Red drum (CCA NC Solo Stove Bonfire)
- Flounder (CCA NC Engel Cooler)
- Spotted Sea Trout (Toadfish Inshore Rod/ 2500 reel)
- Spanish Mackerel (AFTCO Tackle Backpack)
- Black Drum (TFO IS M 6' 8" Rod)
Weekend/ Weekly Prizes: CCA NC will give out 2 prizes each week and 1 prize each weekend.
- All tournament divisions will qualify for weekend/weekly prizes.
- To qualify for weekly/weekend prizes you must follow @cca_nc on Instagram and tag us in your catch photos on your page or your story.
- Each catch photo you tag us in will enter you into the drawing for the prizes.
We encourage you to enter a variety of species caught throughout the tournament (even if they are outside of the main species in the tournament) each species of fish you catch from pinfish to lizard fish, to sharks, cobia, spot, croaker, sheepshead, black drum, albacore, king mackerel, you name it. The more species you catch and enter in the iAngler app the more entries you will have into the random giveaways throughout the tournament!!!
Photo Requirements: Also stay up to date on the iAngler announcements throughout the tournament as we will update you with extra fun incentives to win more prizes!!! As always tag CCA NC on Instagram with your catch photos using the hashtag #nciso23 #inshoreopen
Wristbands will be provided August 25th before the captain’s party at The Warehouse on the Water, downtown Wilmington
Contact below: If you cannot attend the Captains Party in Wilmington NC, we will work with you to make sure you receive your tournament wristband.
- CCA Office – Raleigh: Only open M-Th 8am-4pm. Please call-in advance: 919-781-FISH (3474)
- New Bern – Contact Matthew Wallin at 757-508-3980 or matthew@ccanc.orgIf none of these options work for you
iAngler Tournament Registration:
In order to log your catches, you will need to register on iAngler Tournament and download the app for your phone. Make sure to do this prior to the start of the tournament.
After your registration was processed on the CCA website you should have received an email with a receipt for your purchase, instructions for registering on iAngler Tournament, and a coupon code to bypass the $70 payment on iAngler Tournament
- If you did not receive this email please check your spam folder. If you still don’t have it, contact me at
We also recommend playing around with the app to familiarize yourself with it prior to the start of the tournament.
- Fly Division: 1st place- Trophy + $250 Gift Card to Great Outdoor Provision Co | 2nd place - TFO Fly Rod Combo | 3rd place- Danco Package
- Ladies Division: 1st place -Trophy + Rod and Reel Combo | 2nd place- Toadfish package | 3rd place- CCA Ladies Package
Series: CCA North Carolina
$70 USD
Individual AnglerTournament is over
Awards Ceremony 5:30 Today, Seagate Bottle Shop
1 year 4 months ago
Final Updates, Tournament Closeout and Winners!!!!
1 year 4 months ago
Final Updates, Tournament Closeout and Winners!!!!
1 year 4 months ago
September 22-29 Weekly prizes up for grabs
1 year 4 months ago
Prize Update
1 year 4 months ago
Prize Update
1 year 4 months ago
September 10th-17th Weekly Prizes
1 year 5 months ago
September 1-4th Weekend Prizes and Instagram Giveaways
1 year 5 months ago
Weekly Prize Starting September 1st- September 8th
1 year 5 months ago
Reminder: Flounder may not be logged until Flounder Season Starts
1 year 5 months ago
Statewide Tournament Prizes
1 year 6 months ago
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
1 year 8 months ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
1 year 8 months ago
Events & Schedule
Captains Party
08/25/2023 06:00 PM
Lines in the water
08/26/2023 07:00 AM
Lines out of the water
09/29/2023 12:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
2023 Inshore Open STATEWIDE Fishing Tournament
Wilmington NC
Cape Fear Chapter
Tournament Rules and Regulations:Cape Fear Chapter Banquet & Inshore Open Captains Party:
Join us on Friday night August 25th starting 6:00pm at The Warehouse on the Water, in downtown Wilmington. Your tournament entry covers your entry into the Banquet/Captains party.
- 6:00-7:00 Captains meeting/Rules and Regulations
- 7:00-8:30 Raffles/ Food and beverages/Live Auction/ Silent Auction
- 9:00 Silent Auction Closes at the end of the Live Auction and raffles will conclude the night.
Tournament Dates, Boundaries and Divisions:
Lines in the water: 7:00AM 8/26/2023 strong>Lines out of the Water: 12:00PM 9/29/2023
Boundaries: All NC State Waters out to the three nautical mile line in the Atlantic Ocean. North, from the North Carolina-Virginia Border, South, to the North Carolina-South Carolina Boarder.
*****NEW SEPARATE ANGLER DIVISIONS******: Each division will have separate prizes within that specific division, but will also all be competing for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the overall (“STATEWIDE Inshore Open”)
Each Division will be competing within their division and scored separately within their division but will also have the chance to win the overall STATEWIDE “Inshore Open”. Each division will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and will be awarded a prize and a trophy from our friends at “Fish Burn Art”. All STATEWIDE tournament rules apply to each Division. When you register in iAngler there will be a drop-down bar with the Division’s, you must enter your fish in the division you choose to fish.
- STATEWIDE “Inshore Open”
- Kayak/SUP
- Youth
- Lady Angler
- Fly
Target Species and scoring system: Red Drum/Flounder/ Speckled Trout
- Scoring based on aggregate total of the 3 longest catches for red drum, 1 longest flounder and your 1 longest trout (Grey Trout Counts)
- i.e.- Aggregate of your 3 longest red drum + Total length of your 1 longest flounder + Total length of your 1 longest trout= total score
- Flounder may only be targeted and catch submitted during the Recreational Flounder Harvest Season starting September 15-29th. Any flounder submitted outside of the season will be disqualified.
- If you catch the total slam of 3 drum + 1 Flounder + 1 Trout, you will automatically be awarded 10 extra points to your total score.
- 1st. 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded for total inches in length based on your longest 5 fish + 10 points to those who complete the slam. You do not have to catch all three species to win, although those who do are awarded 10 extra points.
- Red Drum will have a maximum size length of 30’’ (pinched tail length) (this is to prevent any advantages based on the regions that the bull drum fishery can provide to some but not others). You are allowed one Red Fish over 30" to count towards your (TWT Largest Redfish) but it will not count in your total overall score.
- Only redfish 30’’or less will count towards your total aggregate score. There is no minimum size for Redfish that can be entered into the tournament. Your three largest Redfish from 0’’ to 30’’ will count towards your total aggregate.

Photo and measuring requirements:
Each time you catch one of the valid tournament species’, you must take a photo of your catch with the wrist band, submit the photo to our judges for scoring, and track live leaderboard updates all within the iAnger app!
Fish length is determined by its tail touching or crossing a quarter inch line on the measuring device. If it falls short of a line, the length is rounded down to the nearest ¼ inch that the fish’s tail touches or crosses.

Protest, Tie Breakers, and Rules:
Only paid Anglers with wristbands can enter a fish, if you plan to fish with a partner, everyone fishing on the boat should be entered, by no means are you allowed to count a fish caught by someone else in your boat!!
All fish must be caught on rod, reel, line, and hook. No nets, traps, snares set lines or other methods of fishing other than rod and reel are permissible even if legal under state game laws.
- During competition, each contestant is required to follow U.S Coast Guard rules as well as North Carolina DMF, DEQ and NC Wildlife regulations.
- PROTEST: In the case of a dispute or suspicion of cheating occurs, the winner could be subject to a lie detector test (Polygraph). The opposition angler would have to put up the $300 to cover the test. If the winner passes the test the opposition loses the $300.
- All protest must be submitted in writing or sent via email to, no later than 1 day (24 hours) after the end of the tournament on 9/29/2023 at 12:00pm.
- All protests will be reviewed by the tournament director and CCA Tournament committee. All decisions will be final and not subject to appeal.
- Rule interpretation will be left exclusively to CCA NC Tournament Committee.
- TIEBREAKER: In the event of an exact tie in aggregate score, ties will be broken according to the time that the competitors’ last fish photo was officially checked in by the Judges. Should the last fish photo submission times be identical, and then both Competitors’ highest single-fish score will be compared, and the higher score will be determining the outcome. If both Competitors’ highest single-fish score, too, is identical, then the second highest single-fish score of both Competitors will be compared, and so on until the tie is broken by the highest single-fish score. If necessary, a complete re-score of the top anglers (prize eligible) may become necessary as determined by the judge. The scores may change as necessary.
Respectful: This tournament is designed to be easily accessible and fun. It attracts anglers or all different skill levels, backgrounds, ages and genders. We ask all participants to please be respectful of one another.
Honesty: This tournament is based on trust, honesty, and respect. CCA NC is a 501c(3) nonprofit that works hard to be the watchguard for North Carolinas fisheries, improving our coastal habitat, our coastal resources and anglers access to those resources for future generations to come.
We work hard to create a fun event that can make a real impact, introducing anglers to our sport so that they will continue to protect and conserve our fisheries resources here in North Carolina. We trust you to follow the rules and participate in an honest way by following the tournament rules, staying within the boundaries, and using your own catches.
Have Fun: This tournament was created for many reasons, but one of the top reasons is to have fun!!!! We want to celebrate and encourage the sport of fishing!!
TWT (Longest fish wins each species TWT below) All divisions qualify for prizes.
- Red Drum-longest above 30’’: CCA NC Solo Stove
- Flounder: (CCA NC Engel Cooler
- Spotted Sea Trout: (Toadfish Inshore Rod/ 2500 reel)
- Spanish Mackerel: (AFTCO Tackle Backpack)
- Black Drum: (TFO IS M 6’8’’ Rod)
Weekend/ Weekly Prizes: CCA NC will give out 2 prizes each week and 1 prize each weekend.
- All tournament divisions will qualify for weekend/weekly prizes.
- To qualify for weekly/weekend prizes you must follow @cca_nc on Instagram and tag us in your catch photos on your page or your story.
- Each catch photo you tag us in will enter you into the drawing for the prizes.
We encourage you to enter a variety of species caught through out the tournament (even if they are outside of the main species in the tournament) each species of fish you catch from pinfish to lizard fish, to sharks, cobia, spot, croaker, sheepshead, black drum, albacore, king mackerel, you name it. The more species you catch and enter in the iAngler app the more entries you will have into the random giveaways throughout the tournament!!!
Also stay up to date on the iAngler announcements throughout the tournament as we will update you with extra fun incentives to win more prizes!!! As always tag CCA NC on Instagram with your catch photos using the hashtag #nciso23 #inshoreopen
Wristbands will be provided August 25th before the captain’s party at The Warehouse on the Water, Downtown Wilmington NC.
Contact below: If you cannot attend the Captains Party on August 25th in Wilmington then we will work with you to make sure you receive your tournament wristband, especially for those outside of the Wilmington area. For those fishing in the Wilmington area, we encourage you to attend the captains party/ fundraising event on August 25th!!!
- CCA Office – Raleigh: Only open M-Th 8am-4pm. Please call-in advance: 919-781-FISH (3474)
- New Bern – Contact Matthew Wallin at 757-508-3980 or If none of these options work for you
- Tackle Shop locations around the State: We will have Wristbands available for pickup at tackle shops around the state for those who cannot attend the captains party (full list of locations and pickup dates will be posted two weeks before the tournament start date)
iAngler registration:
To log your catches, you will need to register on iAngler and download the app to your phone. Make sure to do this prior to the start of the tournament.
After your registration was processed on the CCA website you should have received an email with a receipt for your purchase, instructions for registering on iAngler, and a coupon code to bypass the payment on iAngler.
Division registrations: if you plan to fish one of the divisions outside of the STATEWIDE tournament, you will sign up, pay, and register on the CCA Website. You will be sent the same email with a Coupon code to register via the iAngler app. Once you have registered into the iAngler tournament you will then need to use the drop-down bar on iAngler to enter your fish into said division.
- If you did not receive this email, please check your spam folder. If you still don’t have it, contact me at
- We also recommend playing around with the app to familiarize yourself with it prior to the start of the tournament
Disclaimer Click to Read
COASTAL CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION NORTH CAROLINA, ET ALFor good valuable consideration, including without limitation the acceptance of the undersigned's entry or participation in the CCA North Carolina - 2022 Inshore Open" on August 20 - September 5, 2022 (the "Event") and being permitted to participate in certain related activities, the undersigned, for himself and his personal representatives, heirs, guest, invitees, employees and crew members hereby (1) RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES, AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE the following:
Coastal Conservation Association North Carolina
and their Chapters, subsidiaries, related entities, respective members, volunteers, heirs, successors, assigns, officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors (collectively, the "Releasees") from all liability to the undersigned, his personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin, and for all loss or damage, and all claims or damages therefor, on account of bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage of or to the undersigned, his guests, invitee, employees or crew, during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event and related activities or while the undersigned is competing, or participating, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Releasees; (2) AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Releasees and each of them from and against all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, liabilities, losses and judgments (collectively, the "Claims") of or by all guests, invitee, employees and crew of the undersigned for bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage which they may suffer or incur during the Event or arising out of or in any way in connection with the Event or related activities, regardless of whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Releasees; and (3) ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY for and risk of bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage of or to himself, his guests, invitees, employees or crew and his boat and equipment due to negligence of Releasees or otherwise during the Event or while participating in the Event or related activities or while in or on the Event premises and the common properties and recreational areas and adjacent docks, piers and boat slips.
The undersigned agrees to pay all of the Releasees' costs of defending all Claims and further agrees that this Release, Indemnification and Agreement Not to Sue is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of North Carolina and that, if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.