KCKF Pike - May 2024
KCKF Pike - May 2024
Ontario, Zones 11 to 20
4 May 2024 - 16 June 2024
This is a "Catch, Photo, Release" tournament.
- 5 Fish Virtual Stringer.
- Longest virtual stringers win 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
- Big Pike prize for the biggest Pike available to all participants.
Please note: Fishing is limited to Ontario, Zones 11 to 20
Series: KCKF - Kingston Canoe and Kayak Fishing
$30 CAD
Individual AnglerTournament is over
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/kingstoncanoeandkayakfishing/
Kingston Canoe Kayak Fishing!
8 months 3 days ago
Prize Give Away
8 months 3 days ago
Kingston Canoe and Kayak Fishing the Pike tournament
8 months 4 days ago
8 months 5 days ago
Bass Tournaments
8 months 1 week ago
4th ID For Pike Tournament is 53S
8 months 1 week ago
The Pike Tournament ID, T67
8 months 3 weeks ago
Tim Sansom Memorial Kayak Bass Tournament for Soldier On,
8 months 4 weeks ago
Kayak Canoe or Sup
9 months 2 days ago
ID Break Down
9 months 3 days ago
Pike Tornament ID starting at midnight, May 10th and good till May 23rd top Right 64U
9 months 1 week ago
9 months 2 weeks ago
Pike Zones
9 months 3 weeks ago
9 months 3 weeks ago
Early Bird
12 months 2 days ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
1 year 1 month ago
Events & Schedule
Tournament Starts
05/04/2024 12:00 AM
Tournament Ends
06/16/2024 07:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
Kingston Canoe and Kayak Fishing
1. Participation and Eligibility
The KCKF’s online Tournaments are open to all anglers within the tournament
boundaries provided they meet the requirements and regulations stated herein.
Liability Release and License Requirements
1. All participants must read and fully understand The Liability Release Form before
their first event.
2. By registering and paying the entry fee, the angler thereby agrees that he/she/other
has read, fully understands and agrees to The Liability Release Form. The form is
available in the “Files'' section of the KCKF Facebook page, available for download
from the Tournament page on iAnglertournament.com and can be made available by
e-mail by request
3. By registering and paying the entry fee, the angler thereby agrees that he/she/other
has read and fully understands the tournament rules (this document)
4. All participants must have a valid provincial fishing licence for the event and follow all
municipal, provincial, and federal rules and regulations based on where they are
5. Competitors must be aged 18 or older in order to participate. No exceptions will be
2. Entry Fees and Payment.
Registration will be done through the iAnglertournament.com event page either from a
PC or through the phone app (available on android and iOS). The entry fee will also be
processed through iAnglertournament.com
3. Prizes
If our event attracts 40 or more anglers, the top 5 participants will now receive
payouts. 39 and below the top 3.
First Place place will be awarded 50% under 39, 25% if over 40 of the prize pool.
Second Place place will be awarded 25% under 39, 20% if over 40 of the prize
Third Place place will be awarded 15% under 39, 17.5% if over 40 of the prize pool.
Fourth Place place will be awarded 15% if over 40 anglers of the prize pool.
Fifth Place place will be awarded 12.5% if over 40 anglers of the prize pool.
Biggest Fish will be awarded 10% under 39. 10% if over 40 anglers of the prize
pool. Podium winners are eligible for the Big Fish prize.
Entry fees will be added to the prize pool less $10.00CAD to ensure there is sufficient
funds available for the iAnglerTournament service fee. Any remaining funds left over at
the end of the year will finance the KCKF Angler of the Year award.
For dual species events the prize split will be 25/15/10 for each species.
● Note: It is possible for one angler to win 1st, 2nd or 3rd in each species of
multi-species tournaments.
There are additional prizes to be awarded in addition to any prize monies.
If there are less than 5 participants in any given event, the 1st place winner will be
awarded the full pot.
4. Rules
1. ONLY angler powered kayaks, electronically powered kayaks, canoes,
and SUPs (Stand Up Paddleboards) will be allowed. Accommodations
can be made for special needs anglers on a case by case basis and are
at the discretion of the tournament directors.
2. All fish must be caught from your kayak, canoe or SUP. You are not
permitted to leave your kayak to fish from shore or wade.
3. You may fish anywhere within the event boundaries that you are legally
allowed to enter. For online events, this includes any province that is
specifically stated in that event's description. For in-person events the
boundaries are legally accessible areas of the lake stated in the event
4. Only commercially available artificial baits/lures/flies are approved fishing
methods. Homemade lures and flies will be permitted so long as they
adhere to provincial fishing regulations.
5. Rod and Reel, and Fly Rod and reels are the only acceptable devices.
Nets of any kind (IE dip nets, casting nets, etc) are not permitted.
Landing nets are permitted at the anglers discretion.
6. Any one fish can only be submitted once..
7. Tournament start times will begin at 6:00am on the first day, and end at
7:00pm the final day. All photo submissions must be made by the closing
time on the final day of the tournament.
5. Scoring
1. Challenger’s photos will be judged and scored by a panel designated by the
tournament Directors and may include the tournament directors.
2. Photos that do not meet the requirements will not be counted.
3. Measured length should be clearly visible. All fish will be scored by 1⁄4” (one quarter
inch) increments, rounded down. IE, if a fish in 18 and ⅛ inches long, the fish will be
scored as 18 inches. If it is at 18 ¼ inches the fish will be scored as 18.25 inches.
4. Submission lengths will be rounded down to the nearest ¼. Lengths will never be
rounded up.
5. Should the length of a fish submission exceed the length of the measuring device, the
maximum visible measurement on the board will be used as the score.
6. The Tournament organisers will be solely responsible and retain the right to declare
any photo as unacceptable
7. Photos will not be altered from their original state before submission. This includes
file name, timestamp,gps information and other metadata recorded by your device. If
the original filename, timestamp or metadata information is suspect in any way the
photo will be deemed unacceptable for scoring.
8. In all submission photos the fish entered must appear to be fresh and free of any
obvious mutilation or mishandling. If two fish of the same length are submitted they
must show evident signs of distinction
9. The measuring device used will display a numerical inch marking that is clearly
a black line where the bumper meets the board, and will have a sticker or marked “x”
on the bumper.
10.Images that are blurry, out of focus, under/over exposed or otherwise difficult to
accurately score will be disqualified.
11. Each event will be associated with a unique identifier. This identifier MUST be
fully visible AND legible in each submission photo.
12.Event Identifiers for some events will be subject to change on a weekly basis as
deemed by the tournament organisers. When a tournament ID is updated,
communication will be sent via iAngler to all registered anglers to the email and/or
phone numbers they used to register. It is the anglers responsibility to ensure they are
using the correct Event Identifier.
13.Initial event identifiers will be issued NO LATER THAN 10:00pm the night
before the first day of an event for pre-registered participants. Those who register after
the event start date will be assigned identifiers after registration has been confirmed.
14.Anglers are allowed to submit as many entries as they wish throughout the duration
of the event.
15.The 5 (five) submissions with the longest verified lengths will be used to tally each
angler's final score.
16.The longest virtual stringer will be awarded 1st place and so on.
17.In the event of a tie, the angler with the longest fish will be awarded 1st place and
2nd place will be awarded to the other.
6. Photo Criteria
1. Submission photos must include the entire fish.
2. Fish must face LEFT with its dorsal fin facing UPWARD
3. The mouth of the fish must be closed. A ½ inch deduction will be issued for any
submission where the mouth of the fish is open
4. Tail must NOT be manually pinched
5. Under no circumstance will the fish be held onto any measuring device by any
other than an Angler’s hand. The use of items such as, but not limited to, tape, velcro
tape, a belt, etc, to hold a fish in place is prohibited. Any catch photo submitted utilising
a device such as these will be disqualified.
6. If an angler is using their hand to hold a fish in place while taking a picture, the hand
must be placed behind, and not touching the eyes of the fish. The hand must also not
be touching any part of the gills. You may place your hand over the gill plate as long
as no part of the hand is underneath in the gill area. The hand must not be touching
any part of the tail past the end of the anal fin. If any part of the hand is covering or
touching one of the prohibited areas the catch submission will be disqualified.
7. The fish must be visibly unharmed, IE, obvious angler related injuries may disqualify
your catch.
8. Markings on the measuring device must be clearly visible and legible
9. Photos must be taken from directly above the fish, not at an angle
10.Assigned identifiers must be clearly visible in the picture without obstructions.
11. For Online and in-person BASS events, approved measuring device brands are as
a. Hawg Trough
b. Ketch
12. For All other events any factory made measuring board is acceptable (IE, Pike,
Walleye, etc)
13. Geotagging of submission photos MUST be enabled to prove the fish submitted
caught within tournament boundaries. Photos submitted without location data will be
14. Metadata for photo submissions must be included and may not be altered. Any
suspicion of tampered metadata may disqualify your photo.
7. The Spirit of Competition
Anglers must embody the spirit of competition. KCKF events are meant to be fun and
friendly competitions designed to help introduce anglers to the competitive side of
fishing. Just because something isn’t specifically against any rules stated within this
document does not mean that you should engage in that action or behaviour.
Behaviours and actions that negatively reflect on our sport and/or the Kingston Canoe
and Kayak Fishing Club will not be tolerated.
Rules are subject to change and updates at the
tournament organisers discretion
Questions can be asked in the tournaments “Event” section on Facebook or by e-mail to
8. Revisions
For the purpose of transparency, any revisions made to the KCKF Online Tournament
Rules will be listed below by date.
12 Jan 2024
o Added Section 3 Prizes
If our event attracts 40 or more anglers, the top 5 participants will now
receive payouts. 39 and below the top 3
03 August 2023
o Added Section 6.5 and 6.6 to indicate disqualification of a catch
submission if there is a device restricting a fish to the measuring device
and indicate the correct and acceptable hand placement on a fish for a
catch submission
26 April 2023
○ Amended Section 4.3 to generalise event boundaries since some
events are Ontario only and some are Ontario and Quebec.
○Added new section 5.12, event identifiers subject to change on
weekly basis, etc.
○ Added Section 7: The Spirit of Competition
○ Section 7: Revisions is now Section 8: Revisions.
○ Added Section 1.5 to state competitors must be age 18 or older.
06 April 2023
○ Amended Section 5.11 to correct a statement about the
tournament identifiers.
○ Amended section 6.5 Photo Criteria to state: “The fish must be
visibly unharmed, IE, obvious angler related injuries may disqualify
your catch.”
○ Added section 6.12 to state Photo Metadata requirements and
potential penalties.
19 June 2021
○ Added section 6.11 Photo Criteria, to state requirements for
geolocation data for catch submissions
○ Amended Section 4.1, Rules, to reflect the addition of
electronically powered motors as acceptable for online events
○ Removed the old Section 4.7, Rules, which was outdated
information regarding individual Unique Identifiers since all anglers
of online events use the same UI.
1 June 2020
○ Reworded Section 6.9, Photo Criteria, to state acceptable
measuring boards for BASS online events
○ Added section 6.10 to state that for all other events (including
Pike, Walleye, and Musky) any factory made board is acceptable
6 April 2020
○ Reworded Section 6.9. Photo Criteria, and added Rapala Brand
measuring devices as approved for use.
○ Added an additional scoring rule.
Section 5.5. Scoring
o 5. Should the length of a submission exceed the length of the measuring
device, the maximum visible measurement on the board will be used as
the score.
○ Added Section 7. Revisions
Disclaimer Click to Read
Liability Release and License Requirements
- All participants must read and fully understand The Liability Release Form before their first event.
- The Liability Release Form is available in the “Files” section of the KCKF Facebook page, available for download from the Tournament page on iAnglertournament.com and can be made available by e-mail by request and MUST be electronically signed.
- By registering and paying the entry fee, the angler thereby agrees that he/she/other has read and fully understands the tournament rules (this document)
- All participants must have a valid provincial fishing license for the event and follow all municipal, provincial, and federal rules and regulations based on where they are fishing.