Safe Harbor Martha's Vineyard - 3rd Annual Safe Harbor Marinas Member Bluefish & Striper Tournament
Chris Scott
(508) 693-4174
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Safe Harbor Martha's Vineyard
July 1 - July 31, 2024
The code to register for this tournament is: SHM2024
This is an internal tournament for Safe Harbor Marinas Members Only.
All other angler registrations will be removed.
Get ready to reel in the excitement! Welcome to the 3rd Annual Safe Harbor Marinas Member Bluefish & Striper Tournament – your chance to enjoy a friendly competition with family, fellow Members, and friends.
Event Details:
- Date: July 1 - July 31, 2024
Registration: Free for all current Safe Harbor Marina Members (use code above to register)
Contact: Chris Scott, Tournament Coordinator
Phone: ((508) 693-4174
Every Participant Receives: (upon registering)
- Official tournament long sleeved SPF shirt
- Official tournament measuring tape
Leaderboard Divisions:
- Adults, Ages 13 – 18, and Ages 12 & Under
Scoring Guidelines:
- This tournament will be scored by the largest fish caught. Largest - measured by length using the SHM official measuring tape provided by your homeport marina.
- Multiple entries are allowed, but only the largest fish will count for your score. The system will automatically cull for your largest fish for each species.
Prizes: Prepare to snag some fantastic prizes in the 3rd Annual Safe Harbor Marinas Member Bluefish & Striper Tournament! Here’s the lineup of prizes.
- 1st Prize: $500 Safe Harbor Gift Card
- 2nd Prize: $400 Safe Harbor Gift Card
- 3rd Prize: $300 Safe Harbor Gift Card
Ages 13-18:
- 1st Prize: $300 Fish NorthEast Gift Card
- 2nd Prize: $200 Fish NorthEast Gift Card
- 3rd Prize: $100 Fish NorthEast Gift Card
12 & Under:
- 1st Prize: $300 Fish NorthEast Gift Card
- 2nd Prize: $200 Fish NorthEast Gift Card
- 3rd Prize: $100 Fish NorthEast Gift Card
Tournament Schedule:
- This tournament runs from 8 am on July 1st until 8 pm on July 31st.
- Submissions will not be accepted after this time.
- Awards will be distributed after this date by your Tournament Director.
Tournament Boundaries:
- Participants must fish in the area specified for the event.
- Fishing has to be legal and in public waters only.
- Participants may fish in any water that is open to public fishing.
Series: Safe Harbor Marinas
$0 USD
Individual AnglerTournament is over
"Logging Your Catch" Instructional Video
11 months 2 weeks ago
Welcome to iAngler Tournament - Adding Your Photo to the Leaderboard
11 months 2 weeks ago
Events & Schedule
Tournament Begins
07/01/2024 08:00 AM
Tournament Ends
07/31/2024 08:00 PM
Rules and RegulationsClick to Read
2024 RULES & REGULATIONS Measuring & Photo Documenting
- All measurements must be on a official Safe Harbor Marinas measuring board.
- Fish should be recorded immediately and measurements noted by length.
- Submissions should be recorded through the official iAngler tournament app or website.
- All submissions must include at least two photographs: 1) A pic of you holding the fish 2) A pic of the fish on the measuring board. Close the fish's mouth. The nose should touch the bump of the measuring board (the belly is facing you). This photo needs to include the entire fish on the board. Entries with an open mouth will receive a deduction penalty of 1", as an open mouth can extend the length of the fish.
- The interpretation and enforcement of the rules is at the sole discretion of the director.
- The tournament director may change rules or impose sanctions as they deem appropriate, including but not limited to: disqualifications, forfeiture of prizes, and prohibition from competing in future tournaments. All decisions made by the tournament director are final.
All participants are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation. Any participant who displays poor sportsmanship, violates these rules or brings unfavorable publicity to the sport of fishing could be disqualified. Encroachment is considered a sportsmanship rule.
Body of Water
Participants must fish in the area specified for the event. Fishing has to be legal and in public waters only: no private ponds, streams, lakes or rivers. Participants may fish in any water that is open to public fishing.
The tournament director will consider options for determining a tie, which could be 1) time of entry 2) the exact measurement instead of the ¼” measurement 3) the next largest fish submitted by each angler. A tie could also result in shared prizes.
Claiming Prizes
Ensure that your correct address, email, and mobile number appear in your app profile for prize announcements and delivery. Prizes are the responsibility of the winners. Transportation, taxes, and incidentals are the responsibility of the winner. It is the responsibility of the Tournament Director to disburse all prizes.
Laws and Regulations
- All federal, state, and local laws and all fishing and boating rules must be abided by.
- The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries implemented new striped bass conservation regulations aimed at reducing release mortality in 2020.
- Failure to comply with any tournament rules subjects participants to disqualification and removal from the competition, as determined by the tournament officials.
- The right to refuse sale and/or revoke a competition ticket to anyone is hereby reserved.
All protests must be brought to the director’s attention before the end of the event. Anyone caught breaking the law or disobeying the rules will be disqualified. Fish must be hooked and caught live in a conventional manner. Fish cannot be snagged, netted, speared, etc.
Participants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times.
If there are any questions about the rules, ask the tournament director.